5496 N. Riverview Dr. Kalamazoo, MI 49004
Phone: 800.804.4000 Fax: 269.382.5291
About AAI :: Customer Focus :: Customer Range |
Working Together, Imagine the Possibilities
As a customer-driven, market-sensitive manufacturer of advanced direct-fired systems
for both make-up air and heating and ventilating, AbsolutAire has a reputation for excellence throughout
business and industry.
That reputation is built on a solid foundation of especially strong working
relationships with specifying engineers, contractors, and facility owners and operators. AbsolutAire’s
customers come in most every size and type imaginable.
From local entrepreneurs through regional distributors to multinational enterprises,
AbsolutAire is working with some of the biggest names in the Fortune 500 as well as some of the brightest
minds in all sectors of the economy.